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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who does Putin talk to after the beginning of the war in Ukraine

The full-scale invasion of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine provoked an immediate reaction from the United Nations, which, despite the veto imposed by the Russian side, already on March 2, 2022, adopted Resolution ES-11/1 condemning the attack on Ukraine, co-sponsored by 96 countries. This document clearly demonstrated the world community’s reaction to Putin’s ferocious actions: Russia’s attack on Ukraine was condemned by 141 states, another 35 abstained, and representatives of 12 states were not present during the voting. Only five states opposed the resolution, that is, in support of Russia’s actions.

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The full-scale invasion of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine provoked an immediate reaction from the United Nations, which, despite the veto imposed by the Russian side, already on March 2, 2022, adopted Resolution ES-11/1 condemning the attack on Ukraine, co-sponsored by 96 countries. This document clearly demonstrated the world community’s reaction to Putin’s ferocious actions: Russia’s attack on Ukraine was condemned by 141 states, another 35 abstained, and representatives of 12 states were not present during the voting. Only five states opposed the resolution, that is, in support of Russia’s actions.

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